Art Of The Counter Reformation
The Catholic Counter-Reformation led to renewed artistic energy in Rome, where art became an important vehicle for spreading the Cosmic faith. A new, explosively dramatic style was explored by Italian artists such every bit Gianlorenzo Bernini, while Caravaggio and his followers pioneered a new style of dramatic realism that brought religious stories vividly to life. Meanwhile, in the predominantly Protestant Dutch Republic artists explored a new repertoire of secular field of study matter, specializing in scenes of everyday life, while fine art and architecture became an important vehicle of state power with the rise of Absolute Monarchy in France and Spain.
The Counter Reformation (Smarthistory/Khan Academy)
The Counter Reformation
As the Protestant Reformation spread throughout Europe, the Catholic Church responded by launching an aggressive campaign to combat "heresy" and reestablish Catholic dominance in Europe. This is called the Counter Reformation.

Saint Francis Xavier and the Order of Jesus
Several new monastic orders were established to "popularize" the faith, and strengthen the church'south relationship with its followers. The Jesuit Society (otherwise known as the Order of Jesus) was founded in 1640 by Saint Francis of Xavier, and was committed to promoting the Catholic organized religion at home and abroad. Jesuit missionaries traveled the world to spread the faith to the then-called "pagan" races, as seen in this painting by Peter Paul Rubens depicting St. France Xavier preaching to a crowd of people. Several of the miracles he performed on his mission to Asia are depicted, including summoning a man dorsum from the dead, healing the blind and the lame, and casting an idol from a temple.

Saint Ignatius Loyola
At habitation, the Jesuit Order strove to make religion more popular with the masses. Saint Ignatius Loyola'sSpiritual Exercises encouraged personal identification with Christ to intensify and renew individual devotion. Fine art became an important means of cultivating this kind of intense personal engagement with religious experience:
"St. Ignatius of Loyola's SPIRITUAL EXERCISES, published in Rome in 1548, outlined a structured program of prayer and meditation with the goal of conservancy through self-knowledge and matrimony with God . . . Sensual perception played a significant part in the exercises and was used to stimulate spiritual memory and generate in the individual an identification with and deep empathy for Christ. Loyola believed that one must use all five senses when attempting to empathise God and he strongly recommended the use of religious fine art to encourage the educatee in his or her identification with Christ. Ane should see, for instance, Christ carrying the cross and feel the overwhelming weight of it. One should "make nowadays" how Christ walked, talked, ate, slept and performed miracles . ."
PBS "The Power of Art" with Simon Schama

The Council of Trent
The Quango of Trent was a series of meetings convened by church leaders between 1545-1563, where matters of church building doctrine, policy, and reform were examined. The function of art was discussed at length, and the Council defended the use of religious images by arguing: "not bad profit is derived from sacred images, " because through these images believers are "excited to admire and love God, and to cultivate piety." But the Council recognized that sacred images had to be controlled, and a code of "decorum" was established to regulate the representation of Holy individuals:
". . . . in the invocation of saints . . . and the sacred apply of images, every superstition shall exist removed, all filthy lucre exist abolished; finally, all lasciviousness be avoided; in such wise that figures shall not exist painted or adorned with beauty heady to lust . . . . as that there be nothing seen that is disorderly, or that is unbecomingly or confusedly arranged, nothing that is profane, nothing indecorous, seeing that holiness becometh the house of God."
Reacting confronting the nudity and distortions that had become popular in 16thursday century Mannerism, the basic dominion was that sacred figures must be beautiful, well proportioned, and clothed. Anyone who disobeyed this rule would be sanctioned past the church: "if any one shall teach, or entertain sentiments, opposite to these decrees; permit him be abomination."
Read the 2nd Decree on the Invocation, Veneration, and Relics, of Saints, and On Sacred Images here:
The Fig-Foliage Campaign
Michelangelo'south Last Judgment came under assault, and his Final Judgment fresco was altered to conceal the offending nudity of the figures:
"The Last Judgment was an object of a heavy dispute . . . the artist was accused of immorality and intolerable obscenity, having depicted naked figures, with genitals in evidence, inside the most important church of Christianity, so a censorship entrada (known as the "Fig-Leaf Campaign") was organized . . . The genitalia in the fresco were later covered by the creative person Daniele da Volterra whom history remembers by the derogatory nickname "Il Braghettone" ("the breeches-painter")."

The Reformers
Annibale Carracci was a leading fellow member of a group of artists in Bologna who prepare out to "reform" religious art. Reacting confronting the excesses of Mannerism, Carracci and his followers sought to reinstitute classical beauty and proportion in art, modeled on the art of Loftier Renaissance artists such every bit Raphael. Unlike the hard and artificial contrivances of Mannerism, their pictures were legible and easy to empathize; they were likewise intensely emotional, calculated to inspire the kind of deep personal engagement promoted past the Counter Reformation church; they moreover retained an appropriate beauty and grace that distinguished them from every solar day people. Humanism was tolerated, only simply if Holy individuals were sufficiently "perfect" to reflect their undeniable divinity.
Carracci'south Crucifixion & Lamentation, Smarthistory

Enforcing Church Law: The Inquisition
To enforce its potency the Counter Reformation church set up the Inquisition, a kind of Holy law courtroom. In 1616 this court ruled that Copernicus was "foolish and cool" and his treatise was placed on the Index of Forbidden Books, along with Galileo's Diologo:
"The official instrument of Roman Cosmic Church censorship commencement in the sixteenth century was the Index of Prohibited Books. Listing authors alphabetically, this edition of 1758 indicates that Galileo's Dialogo had been prohibited by a decree of August 23, 1634. The revolutionary scientific treatise was removed from the Index in 1824.

Oil on sheet, 18' 6" X 42' 6"
Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
The Trial of Paolo Veronese
Artists also came under scrutiny. Paolo Veronese was a Venetian painter who specialized in large banquet scenes. This painting, originally titled The Last Supper, got him into problem with the Church because it portrayed Christ in the company of figures considered to be "unseemly." The artist was put on trial by the Inquisition, where he was accused of portraying Christ in likewise profane a setting. In that location are High german soldiers, a random canis familiaris, and even a human being picking his teeth in the scene. Veronese defended himself by highly-seasoned to "artistic license," explaining that he included these figures because he imagined this might have been what the scene was like, rather than adhering to the exact descriptions in the Bible, but he was ordered to make changes to the picture. Rather than make the changes, Veronese solved the problem by simply changing the title!
Read a transcript of the trial here:
Watch this spoof past Monty Python; the artist in the skit is called Michelangelo, but the story is clearly based on the trial of Veronese:
Youtube link: https://world wide
Spider web Resource:
The Counter Reformation (PBS)
Veronese Before the Inquisition (AHA)
http://world wide
Decrees and Canons of the Council of Trent
Science and Religion, Bridwell Library
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